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Check out all the helpful information below:

2023-2024 School Year FAQs: Click here


May 10 - Final Panther Store Friday; please see details & additional Panther Store dates below

May 16 - Last PTO General Meeting, TIME CHANGE 5pm, Location Change LIBRARY; Voting on new officer nominations for PTO Executive Board will take place during this meeting; please see slate of nominated officers below

May 22 - End of Year Parent Social at Crow Bar, 6-8pm; New Event!  New parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!

[Please see additional events & dates below]


The Nominating Committee is pleased to recommend the following slate of officers for the 2024-25 school year. Please plan to attend the general meeting May 16 at 5:00 pm in the FBMS Library to vote on our new officers. Nominations may also be made from the floor during the election meeting.  

From Mr. Samson (FBMS Art Teacher):
The parade is open to ANYONE and there will be booths with kids’ activities and free snacks! The ride itself is only around Macgregor Park one time. Less than a mile.

Incoming 6th grade (‘24-25) - see events flyer below:

Interested in working on a PTO Committee or Team?

PTO Volunteer Interest Form

The PTO needs volunteers to fill roles for 2024-25.  Share the interest form with new families, old families, and current volunteers!  We want to hear what people are interested in!